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Available in PDF Download, Mailed Paper Copy, or Full Kit Format




Including any:



Sports Team


College or University






Military Insignia








at No Extra Charge!




All of the patterns offered on our site are prepared in enlarged print format at no additional charge to assist stitchers.


You also have the opportunity to purchase any design chart offered by us in black and white or color!





Samples of Our Custom Logos



You are not obligated to purchase until you have reviewed and approved the final result!


Please feel free to contact us today for further details and a price quote for this affordable custom work.








Pricing begins as low as $27.95 for customized designs (all charting fees included). Your cost may vary depending on the complexity of your pattern, and your chosen method of delivery.





Click to icon below to print out instructions on how to download your picture to us.

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© 2013-24 Whitney Ranch Designs.                           All patterns displayed represent finished work in virtual stitches.

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